About the Club
Greeneville Woman's Club is a service organization affiliated with the General Federation of Women's Clubs. The club was founded in the 1960s, and currently has thirty-one active members. We are devoted to the betterment of our community, and contribute to and participate in various club-sponsored activities, school projects, arts organizations, public service, and conservation projects. GWC members meet on the second Thursday evening of each month at 6:30 p.m. in Augsburg Hall of Reformation Lutheran Church in downtown Greeneville, Tennessee. We have a social time beginning at 6 p.m. with light refreshments. We invite any women of our community who are interested in participating to join us.
The Greeneville Woman's Club sponsors two main fund-raisers yearly, the annual holiday bazaar and the Taste of Greeneville, a benefit co-sponsored with the Main Street Greeneville organization.
With great regret, we must announce that Taste of Greeneville 2022 has been cancelled. So many local restaurants have been negatively impacted by the pandemic that we were not able to offer the variety and number of businesses that have made this event so popular and successful in past years.
Instead, we would like to suggest that you taste Greeneville's fine restaurants and eateries on your own. Patronize our local restaurant businesses. Be sure to tell them how much you enjoy and appreciate them, and how much you hope to see them in next year's Taste of Greeneville!
Taste of Greeneville is always a huge success! No one leaves hungry! Don't miss this year's event!